25 BEST Things To Do In Querétaro 2024 (By An Expert!)

Looking For The Best Things To Do In Querétaro? Here Are All My Favourites From My Time In Querétaro!

Querétaro has been on the radar for some Mexican travellers for a while, it’s still largely undiscovered by the greater travel world. So when I decided to visit, I struggled to find information on what to do and how to spend my time in Querétaro.

So, I decided to put in the groundwork for myself and spent a couple of weeks exploring and uncovering the best things to do in Querétaro.

Now I’ve put together my list of top things to do and some of these are such hidden gems, you won’t find them recommended anywhere else!

Let’s get into it!


Diligencias Tour

This super affordable tour covers a number of places on this list like the Mirador, Aqueduct, and Train Station, all in a fancy old-timey electric replica Model-T!

Best Things To Do In Querétaro

It can be hard to figure out how best to spend your time when travelling, especially if you’re only in town for a day or two. This list features all my favourite things to do in Querétaro and why, so you can decide what’s best for you!

1. Zip Around Town in a Model-T

The first thing I do when I arrive anywhere new is look for a tour.

In most cities that’s a walking tour, but in Querétaro it was a city tour in an electric replica Model-T and I can’t recommend this enough!

The Model-Ts, known as diligencias are comfy, spacious and smooth and are driven by local English-speaking guides who dress like old-timey chauffeurs complete with waistcoat and flat cap.

Ashlea standing in front of a stage coach on the diligencia tour, one of the best things to do in Queretaro to see a lot in a short amount of time.

But this isn’t a theme tour, this is a city tour that dives into the legends and history of Querétaro, one of Mexico’s oldest Spanish cities.

The diligencia tour is a great thing to do early in Querétaro because it covers the historic centre, important churches, former convents, and the story of how Querétaro played an important role in Mexican independence.

You’ll also drive along the stunning aqueduct and learn how this was a labour of (unrequited) love and visit the Museo del Ferrocarril, the old train station once a hub for passenger travel and now a window back in time.

Tours depart every half hour, every day and are a fantastic way to learn about Querétaro and get your bearings to explore this great city.

2. Take in the Acueducto

If I’m being honest, seeing pictures of the Acueducto on Instagram is one of the main reasons why I decided to visit Querétaro in the first place.

This gorgeous 18th century aqueduct stretches 1,280 metres/4,200 ft across the city of Querétaro and makes up part of the UNESCO protected area of the city.

The Acueducto stretching through Queretaro against a blue and clouded sky.

With 72 arches towering 28.5m/94ft into the air, this impressive structure is a beautiful feat of engineering that carried water from the springs on the mountains into the convent in town.

  • You can easily visit the aqueduct independently but I highly recommend taking a tour. I visited as part of my Model-T tour and was able to drive along the arches and hear the stories and legends of the aqueduct.

The story goes that the city of Querétaro was in desperate need of clean water, a cause championed by the local nuns.

After the nuns presented their case to the Marquis Juan Antonio of Urrutia and Arana, work began to find a water source and deliver clean water to the city.

Legend has it that the Marquis was driven by love in his quest to solve the clean water problem in Querétaro which ultimately delivered the Acueducto de Querétaro we see today.

3. Visit the Mirador de los Arcos

“Mirador” literally translates to “lookout” and that’s exactly what this is, a lookout point with a view over Querétaro.

The Mirador de los Arcos is located at the end of the Acueducto de Querétaro and is the only spot where you can see the whole length of the arches bobbing across the city.

After snapping your pictures, directly opposite the lookout you’ll find the Pantheon of Illustrious Queretanos (what a name!).

This small cemetery in what was once the orchard of the convent is reserved only for the most notable Queretanos, with plinths still awaiting future Queretanos who are worthy of the honour.

  • The Mirador and the Pantheon are free to visit. I visited on my Model-T tour and found it helpful to learn about who was laid to rest here and why.

And in the centre, set to the backdrop of a small pink chapel is the mausoleum of la Corregidora, Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez.

Visiting the Mirador is a must do when in Queretaro for the best view of the arches.

La Corregidora is one of the most important figures in Mexican history. This wife of the Corregidor (magistrate) was a conspirator in the plot to revolt against the Spanish but more importantly she saved the Revolution!

When the plot to revolt was uncovered she was locked away by her husband so she couldn’t alert her allies that they’d been made.

Legend says that she banged on the walls of her room to alert her neighbour of the danger, prompting a message to be sent north to Dolores where the famous El Grito (the Cry) call to arms was given, marking the start of the Mexican War of Independence.

La Corregidora is such an important figure that you can find her legacy all over Querétaro such as the house where she was locked away and a monument in her honour.

4. Take a Tacos & Tequila Tour

I know, I know, tacos and tequila how typical of me, right? But this tour is different.

This private tacos and tequila tour covers all the top hidden gems for the best tacos, gorditas, tamales, tequila, drinking chocolate and more as selected by local husband and wife duo David and Annamaria.

  • You can choose to do this tour for lunch or for dinner and pull out your stretchiest pants because you’re going to be full by the end!

The tour takes about 3 hours and usually includes 8 tastings plus a bottle of water. You’ll also get to meet some of the local vendors and learn more about how they make these delicious dishes.

The walk is mostly flat with plenty of stopping, tasting and chatting and is suitable for most people. They can even accommodate vegetarians, just let them know when you book!

5. Visit the Ruins

When it comes to archeological ruins in Mexico, Querétaro is an odd one. In fact, as soon as you arrive at this site you’ll notice there’s something strange about it.

And when I say “strange” I mean the fact that someone tried to build a house on top of the pyramid 🤦🏻‍♀️.

El Cerrito has been inhabited by several civilizations and groups dating all the way back to 300BC. For perspective, that’s 700 years older than the world-famous Mayan city of Chichén Itzá.

  • El Cerrito is only open Wednesday – Sunday 9am – 4:30pm and entrance is just $70MXN [$4USD/$5.50CAD], free on Sunday. To understand the complex history I highly recommend taking the guided tour.

The history of El Cerrito is particularly interesting because it lies at the border where the Mesoamerican agricultural people (early farmers) and the Hunter-gatherers (nomads) met.

Over the years it has served as a sacred ceremonial site for a powerful fertility goddess, religious pilgrimage site, a vassal state and a trading hub, conducting business in regions as far away as Guatemala.

Not to mention the home of a colonial structure, El Fortín, which was constructed on top of the grand pyramid in 1886 and is also now considered a historic monument in its own right due to age.

In addition to the huge pyramid (one of the largest in the country) you can see seven other ruins as well as a small museum and beautifully maintained gardens.

6. Lose Yourself in Myths & Legends

Until this year the Myths & Legend Walking Tour was only available in Spanish but now English-speakers can also enjoy this fun activity on Saturdays at 7:10pm.

As you probably know by now Querétaro is old and the city is bursting with legends round every corner.

  • The English tour requires a minimum of 6 people to operate. You can contact the tour company a day or two before to check on the group numbers. If the minimum isn’t met you can pay the difference, receive an audio guide and reenactment instead, or cancel with 24 hours notice.

The Myths & Legends tour is a dramatic retelling of seven of the city’s most interesting legends.

The storytellers dress up in period costumes and are accompanied by a live musician as they lead you through the oldest alleys and areas of the city and reenact the stories that live there.

I loved learning about the legends of Querétaro, the love, the loss and of course, the Revolution.

7. Hit the Shops

I wouldn’t consider myself someone who loves to shop, but when I’m in Mexico I can’t help myself!

In many of the markets and independent stores of Mexico most of what you’ll come across is handmade or at least made in Mexico and Querétaro is no exception.

Wandering the streets and popping in and out of shops is one of my favourite things to do in Querétaro. But for something a little different I recommend checking out Talento Nativo and Colectivo Mercantil Querétaro, just off the Plaza de Armas.

Located next door to each other, these stores are like artisan collectives, a business model that’s becoming more and more popular in Mexico.

  • In these stores, artists and creatives come together to rent a space and each get a section of the store to sell their wares. Think of it as a really small department store!

Talento Nativo has more of a focus on clothing and really unusual purses and handbags. Whereas Colectivo Mercantil offers everything from craft beer to gourmet salts to gold necklaces and hand-painted postcards.

One of the best things to do in Queretaro is to hit some of the local artisan shops.

Everything in these stores are made by local Mexican artisans and you may even bump into some of creators in the shop! I bought some local beer from the brewer who happened to be working in the store the day I visited.

Also, if you work up an appetite supporting local businesses then you’re in luck, because there’s a delicious street corn vendor right outside!

8. Find El Danzante Conchero Chichimeca

Querétaro is not short on statues! The UNESCO protected Historic Monuments Zone is teeming with statues and buildings of importance for you to explore.

Statue spotting is a fun thing to do as you meander through Querétaro but if you want to see something really special, find El Danzante Conchero Chichimeca.

For whatever reason, the Fountain of Neptune gets all the praise in Querétaro and don’t get me wrong, it’s beautiful. A large stone fountain that lights up at night is always going to be a crowd pleaser.

The Aztec Dancer statue in Queretaro against a blue sky.

But for me, the statue that took my breath away is the Conchero Chichimeca Dancer.

The Conchero Chichimeca Dancer is a large statue located near the end of Andador 5 de Mayo, opposite the Jardín Zenea.

The Concheros dance is an important indigenous dance that originated in this area and has been performed in Mexico for centuries, particularly in the northern regions.

The towering feather headdress of the dancer is a must-see and makes this statue a really special photo op in Querétaro.

9. Visit the MCAQ

The Museum of Contemporary Art Querétaro is a fantastic free museum located just off the Plaza Fundadores (Founders Plaza).

Large scale exhibits are dotted around the entrance courtyard and make for excellent photo opportunities, while smaller exhibits can be found in the galleries inside.

The Museum of Contemporary Art Querétaro is a fun, free museum to enjoy while in town.

This was my favourite museum that I visited in Querétaro, with quirky art like the “ancient Chinese” Bart Simpson statue and think pieces like the shooting targets that cast a colourful shadow showing that there’s more to all of us than meets the eye, there’s plenty here to peruse and ponder.

10. Take a Tina

What’s a Tina you ask? Only the single most relaxing thing you can do in Querétaro.

If you’re a regular reader of mine you’ll know that seeking out spas, day passes and secret experiences everywhere I go is one of my favourite things to do. If there’s an affordable way to pamper myself I’ll find it.

Enter, the Tina.

La Casa del Atrio is a boutique hotel tucked away in the Centro Histórico of Querétaro and it happens to have an excellent spa on the roof.

  • There is no elevator to the roof so you will need to climb the stairs. They aren’t steep and there are areas to rest if you need. Don’t worry, it’s worth it!

The Tinas are a pair of rooftop clawfoot bath tubs overlooking the neighbouring church steeples. You can choose the Epsom salts you prefer based on whether you want to relax, detox or energize.

The spa at Casa del Atrio is the best urban spa in Queretaro and a fantastic place to relax.

A regular tina session is 30 minutes but they didn’t rush me out.

I sat in the warm, rose scented water for about 40 minutes, melting away after my incredible massage.

The spa offers an array of well-priced a la carte services and packages for couples, friends and individuals but do not miss the Tina hydrotherapy which can be added to your treatments or booked as part of a package or combo.

11. Climb the Cerro de las Campanas

Cerro de las Campanas (Hill of the Bells) is a national park located a short 5-10min drive from downtown, near the university.

This beautiful park covers 58 hectares and has a lot of steps! The park is named for the rocks here which, when knocked together sound like bells (so don’t be surprised if you see people knocking rocks in the park).

Much like the rest of Querétaro, this park played an important role in Mexican Independence, except this time we’re talking about the second go around.

  • Entrance to the park is $5MXN [$0.30USD/$0.40CAD] and it’s open to visitors daily 9am – 5pm. There is also a small, Spanish-only museum that costs an extra $18MXN [$1USD/$1.40CAD] to enter.

Mexico successfully gained independence from Spain in 1821 but some 40 years later Austrian Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian of Habsburg became Emperor Maximilian I of Mexico.

His rule in Mexico lasted all of three years before he was found guilty of conspiring to overthrow the Mexican government and was sentenced to death by firing squad on this very hill.

The chapel on the hill was built on the spot where Maximilian and his two Generals were executed and their graves are marked inside.

Also in the park is a 13m/42.5ft tall statue of former President Benito Juárez, a name you’ll hear and see all over Mexico from the money to markets and more.

This enormous statue towers over the city and looks directly at the resting place of Maximilian. Some say this serves as a reminder that all these years later the Mexicans are still in control of their own land.

12. Spend Sunset at Terrazza La Grupa

Terrazza La Grupa is one of the best rooftops in Querétaro and it’s my favourite place to watch day turn to night.

Located on the roof of Hotel Casa Aspeytia, Terrazza La Grupa is an excellent place to grab cocktails or a meal with a view. The rooftop overlooks some gorgeous churches and buildings that light up at night and there is usually some sort of live music setting the mood – when I went it was jazz.

  • There is no elevator to the top, you will need to climb some stairs. Reservations are recommended on weekends but weekdays you can walk in.

The cocktails are well crafted and the food is delicious and varied, with a menu that could accommodate even the fussiest eaters.

Catching a rooftop sunset in Queretaro is one of the best things to do at night.

The service could be improved but it’s easy to see past this minor note when you’re sipping cocktails by firelight under the stars.

I recommend Googling what time sunset is and then heading to Terrazza La Grupa about 30 minutes beforehand to enjoy the day and night views of the city.

13. Go Back In Time At the Ferrocarril

When you think Mexico you probably don’t think “antique train station” and although buses are the most popular mode of transportation in Mexico, that wasn’t always the case.

From the 1800’s passenger trains were the main way to travel in Mexico but after years of underfunding and the privatization of the train system, passenger trains were retired and now the tracks are used only by freight trains.

The Old Train Station in Querétaro (ferrocarril in Spanish) used to be a hub for travellers but is now a museum and window back to the golden age of train travel in Mexico.

The Old Train Station in Queretaro is a window back in time to the golden age of train travel in Mexico.

The beautiful stone train station is impressive. With warm wooden arches and hand carved seating, you can tell this was built with care.

For $50MXN [$2.75USD/$4CAD] you can enter the train station and the museum inside. The ticket booth, platform and waiting room are all frozen in time to show how things would have been back in the day.

  • If you take the Model-T Diligencia tour your entrance to the train station is included and your guide will show you around.

Further down the platform you’ll find a large room with a photo history of train travel in Mexico. You’ll see pictures of the railroads being built as well as how people travelled (big poofy skirts and all!).

14. Sip Local Beer At Hercules

Cervecería Hércules is a brewpub destination located a quick 10-15 minute Uber ride from Centro in Querétaro. This is a local and expat favourite but not somewhere you’re likely to find tourists.

The brewpub is located inside a repurposed warehouse giving it this really cool yet comfy industrial feel. It’s a dream for beer lovers but is a great place for anyone looking to spend a lazy afternoon.

There are several areas to hang out and read a book, chat with friends, catch live music or play some board games.

The beer garden, a large green space in the grounds of the warehouse is the jewel in the crown of Cervecería Hércules. Catch some sun or hang out by the glow of fairy lights creating a magical ambience.

Cervecería Hércules offers table service throughout. They have a menu of delicious food ranging from wood fired pizzas to Mexican favourites to German brewpub classics (try the preztels 🥨), a wide array of their own beers.

Start with a tasting flight to see what you like!

15. Enjoy Fresh Churros & Mexican Drinking Chocolate

I love Mexican drinking chocolate. Hot, cold, blended, it doesn’t matter to me! If you haven’t had it, you’re honestly missing out.

This is not the super sweet or weirdly chalky stuff you might get elsewhere. In Mexico, the drinking chocolate is lightly spiced which makes it easy to enjoy without being overwhelmingly sugary.

Mexican chocolate and churros are a rite of passage in this country and the best place to enjoy this in Querétaro is Fábrica De Chocolate on the pedestrian street of Andador 5 de Mayo.

Don't miss the churros and Mexican drinking chocolate when in Queretaro.

With a walk up window and seating inside you can grab a treat on the go or stop in for a while.

The churros are made fresh to order and are truly excellent. There’s also a whole variety of chocolate drinks to choose from made with your choice of either water or milk (I like the milk version) and served hot, cold or blended.

If you’re feeling especially adventurous try the Santa Mole, a sort of sandwich stuffed with chocolate mole.

16. Taste Cocktails at Dodo

When it comes to food and drink, Querétaro is often outshone by the foodie haven to the north, San Miguel de Allende. But when it comes to cocktails, you won’t find a better cocktail in either place than at Dodo Café.

There are three Dodo locations in Querétaro but I highly recommend you visit the one in Centro Histórico, a short walk from Plaza Fundadores (Founders Plaza).

Dodo Cafe has the best cocktails in the city with world-class mixologists in house daily.

If you’re into cocktails, you’re in good hands here.

The mixologists at Dodo are known for whipping up some of the best creations in the country and are even brought in as guest mixologists in places like Hanky Panky in Mexico City, recently named one of the world’s best bars.

  • They have an extensive menu of handcrafted cocktails but I suggest you ask for a recommendation. In fact, adopt this method anytime you find a real mixologist – they will never steer you wrong!

In addition to incredible cocktails at reasonable prices Dodo also offers excellent food with the burger being the most popular item.

Come here for a couple of cocktails and a bite and enjoy the cool but cozy atmosphere.

17. Check Out the Calendar Museum

A visit to the MUCAL Calendar Museum is a popular thing to do in Querétaro and it’s exactly what it sounds like, a small museum packed full of calendars ranging from the ancient to the modern.

  • While the calendars are very visual, you will need some Spanish knowledge or a translator app to understand the written parts of the exhibits.

I found the ancient calendar systems to be the most interesting part of the museum along with the star of the show, the wooden scale replica of the Aztec Sun Stone located at the Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City.

The calendar museum in Queretaro features a scale replica of the Aztec Sun Stone in Mexico City.
Sun Stone Replica In Querétaro
The original Sun Stone is located in the Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City.
Original Sun Stone In Mexico City

Entrance costs $50MXN [$2.75USD/$4CAD] and includes access to all the exhibits, gardens and roof. There’s also a café at the back if you’d like to grab a coffee.

This is a small museum and I was able to complete it in 45mins at a leisurely pace so don’t set aside your whole day for this.

18. Find a Nun Fart

Pedos de Monja literally translates to Nun Farts and they are a tasty treat unique to Querétaro. These chocolate truffles come in dark or milk varieties and are spiked with almond liqueur.

They can be found in shops all over the city and even in some nearby places like San Miguel de Allende or Guanajuato but if you want to go to the source, head to El Palacio del Chocolate.

Pedoes de Monja also known as Nun Farts are delicious chocolate truffles made in Queretaro.

All the delicious goodies here are hand crafted using only the finest Mexican ingredients. Grab a bag of nun farts and a selection of the gorgeous bombones in flavours like mezcal and cinnamon.

They also have a restaurant on site whipping up drinking chocolate, breakfast and snacks.

19. Dance to Live Music in the Plaza

Every weekend for more than 80 years (save for a brief pandemic induced break) the Jardín Zenea (Zenea Garden) in Querétaro has played host to the lively tunes of the Querétaro State Band.

This free live concert brings out crowds of locals, young and old to dance, commune and enjoy the evenings together.

The live concert is such a great insight into Mexican culture and an excellent opportunity to watch the locals wind and twirl around the gardens as the band plays from the central kiosko.

Feel free to join in or just grab a snack from a nearby vendor and watch the locals do their thing.

20. Snap a Picture at the Querétaro Sign

It seems like everywhere in the world has these big letters so why should Querétaro be any different?

Snapping a picture at the large letters of the Querétaro sign is one of the most popular things to do in the city and these letters happen to have a beautiful backdrop.

Just behind the Querétaro sign lies the 18th century church, Templo de Santa Rosa Viterbo. This church is still operational and is important in Querétaro as it is considered a masterpiece by local architect Francisco Martínez and local sculpter Ignacio Mariano de las Casas.

The gorgeous stone exterior with accents of pink serves as a sneak peek for what lies inside.

This church is incredibly ornate with lashings of gold and hand carved artwork throughout. Fans of architecture will love exploring this example of Mexican Boroque architecture.

Best Day Trips From Querétaro

If you have a little extra time in Querétaro and you want to venture further afield, I’ve got the best day trips for you to explore!

21. Cross Grutas Tolantongo Off the Bucket List

Grutas Tolantongo is the stuff of Mexican dreams. In fact, if you’ve spent time researching places to visit in Mexico there’s a good chance you’ve already seen a picture of it.

Located in the state of Hidalgo, right next door to Querétaro, this awe-inspiring hot springs destination and nature park is a bucket list item for many travellers.

The gorgeous grottos are carved into the mountainside and sit overlooking sweeping valleys and towering mountains.

Grutas Tolantongo is a thermal hot spring dream and makes an excellent day trip from Queretaro.

With a full day you can explore most of the park which features the hot spring grottoswaterfalls, a natural tunnel, a thermal river, thermal pools, trekking trailszipline and a suspension bridge.

If you have the time you can rent a car spend the night in the nearby town. For day trippers, the best option is to take an organized tour from Querétaro. It’s a long day but it’s a truly special experience.

22. Visit the Pueblos Mágicos 

Although the state of Querétaro is one of the smallest states in all of Mexico, it happens to boasts six Pueblos Mágicos:

  • Amealco
  • Bernal
  • Cadereyta de Montes
  • Japlan
  • San Joaquín
  • Tequisquiapan

Most of these magic towns are located really close to each other with the exception of Jalpan which is located inside the Sierra Gorda Biosphere. This makes it really easy to visit a few Pueblos Mágicos while in Querétaro.

  • If you have a weekend to spare, with a rental car you can easily visit the five central Pueblos Mágicos.

The two most popular Pueblos Mágicos in Querétaro, and the ones that are the easiest to visit from Santiago de Querétaro are Bernal and Tequisquiapan.

Bernal is located just under an hour from Centro Querétaro and is a very easy drive or local bus ride away.

Queretaro is home to six Pueblos Magicos, most of which are close together and easy to explore by car.

This charming, colourful town is best known for the Peña de Bernal, the third largest monolith in the world that creates a magical backdrop to the lovely little pueblo.

The monolith is open for activities like hiking, rappelling and climbing and unless you’re a pro, I recommend you hire a guide or join an organized group to partake.

If you’re less into the doing and more into the seeing, there are so many gorgeous coffee shops and restaurants with a view of the monolith so choose one and park yourself!

Just outside of town you’ll also find plenty of vineyards including world famous prosecco maker Freixenet.

About 30 minutes from Bernal by car or taxi is Tequisquiapan, another Pueblos Mágico best known for it’s pretty pink church. Wander the delightful streets, peruse the craft markets and just take it slow.

23. Explore the Wine and Cheese Route

The Wine and Cheese Route is a series of wineries and cheese producers dotted across Querétaro. Exploring this route is a favourite thing to do for locals so don’t be surprised if you see groups of trendy Queretanos sipping wine at the vineyard.

This region produces red, white, rosé and sparkling wines including prosecco giant Freixenet which can be found at the Finca Sala Vivé vineyard.

You can visit the wine and cheese route on your own with a car but if you plan to partake in the tasting, it’s best to leave the wheels at home.

This Cheese, Wine, and Towns Tour visits both Bernal and Tequisquiapan and includes two wine and cheese tastings at a very reasonable price.

24. Visit San Miguel de Allende

The gorgeous San Miguel de Allende is located 1hr 15mins from Querétaro and if you’re not already going here, try to work it into your plans!

  • I recommend you visit San Miguel de Allende by bus from Querétaro. The first class buses in Mexico are fantastic and San Miguel de Allende is highly walkable when you arrive.

San Miguel de Allende is one of the most beautiful towns I’ve visited in Mexico so far, and I’ve visited many.

At the centre of town you’ll find the gorgeous and Disneyesque Parroquia de San Miguel Arcángel which is stunning during the day and when lit up at night.

A day trip to neighbouring San Miguel de Allende is one of the best things to do in Queretaro.

The food scene in San Miguel de Allende is some of the best you’ll find in the country and there are plenty of rooftop terraces with incredible views where you can kick back and sip cocktails.

Wander the streets, pop in and out of shops and galleries, and don’t miss a chance to roam around Colonia Guadalupe, a gorgeous neighbourhood a short walk from Centro that is bursting with colourful murals.

With a little extra time here you can explore the nearby hot springs, visit the quirky and colourful Chapel of Jimmy Ray, and check out some of the amazing day trips in the area.

25. Marvel at the Sierra Gorda

The Sierra Gorda offers one of the most stunning and dramatic landscapes you’ll see in Mexico.

This protected biosphere reserve is carved out of the Sierra Madre Oriental mountains and is the sort of place that gives you “pinch me” vibes.

If you’re the outdoorsy type this is the best place in Central Mexico for you. Activities abound including a cloud forest, canyoning, hiking, fishing, caves, waterfalls, and more.

Although it’s an outdoor playground the Sierra Gorda also offers culture by way of the Pueblo Mágico of Jalpan de Serra. The most famous feature of this town are the UNESCO protected Franciscan Missions which are definitely worth checking out while you’re here.

Campingwaterfallscanyoninghikingcloud forestjunglebird watchingcavesfishing, the list goes on and on!

An easy 1hr 30min drive from Santiago de Querétaro will get you to the boundary of the Sierra Gorda Bioreserve and a further 1hr 45min winding drive will take you to Jalpan de Serra.

You can rent a car and drive, take one of the many daily buses by Primera Plus (5-6 hrs) or hand off the reigns for a professional guide and take an organized tour.

Getting Around Querétaro

Getting around Querétaro is easy, especially in the Centro Historico. This part of the city is highly walkable and that’s the best way to get around. Querétaro is not a particularly hilly city so if you like to wander on foot like I do, go for it!

For further trips around the city or for help hauling all your shopping back the best option is Uber or DiDi.

Both of these ride sharing apps offer affordable and reliable service in Querétaro with DiDi typically being cheaper with more drivers.

You can also grab a regular yellow taxi if you like but if your Spanish isn’t great or you’re unfamiliar with Querétaro then just stick to the Ubers and DiDis.

Where To Stay In Querétaro

Condesa is like Roma’s outgoing little sister, and by crossing over here prices take a significant dip. Here are my favourite spots in Condesa:

📍Best Budget Spot in Querétaro: Septimo Hostal is cool and comfy adults-only hostel located a few minutes walk from the old train station and 10 minutes to Centro. They offer great service, private rooms, dorms, terrace, restaurant, kitchen and WiFi. Bunks start at $15USD/$20CAD per night.

📍Best Mid-Range Spot in Querétaro: Hotel Mamá Carlota is a gorgeous boutique hotel located just steps from the hubbub. All the comfy rooms are soundproofed (this matters!) and feature private patios, TV, WiFi and private bathroom. Rooms start at $65USD/$90CAD per night.

📍Best Luxury Spot in Querétaro: Hotel Casa Once is a stunning new boutique hotel with all the modern touches. I moved to this hotel after my original hotel was so noisy I couldn’t sleep and boy am I glad I did! The bed was maybe the most comfortable I’ve ever slept in, the shower was strong and hot and I loved taking a dip in the plunge pool turned hot tub at night.

Casa Once is the best place to stay in Queretaro to have a wonderful luxurious experience while still being close to the action.

The location is fantastic and the service is unbeatable, not to mention the super delicious included breakfast made just how and when you like it. Rooms start at $150USD/$200CAD a night including amazing breakfast and WiFi.

Visiting Querétaro FAQs

You’ve got questions about Querétaro and I’ve got answers!

How Many Days Should I Spend in Querétaro?

At a very minimum Querétaro is worth at least one full day of your time. Three days is a good amount of time if you want to cross off a decent number of the best things to do in Querétaro and 5-7 days is great if you want to get to know the city and explore the surrounding areas with a day trip or two.

Do They Speak English in Querétaro?

Although Querétaro has a growing expat community it is rare to find English-speakers here. Most hotels will have someone who speaking working English but other than that expect mostly Spanish.

To improve your experience here try to learn some key words and phrases in Spanish and don’t forget to download Spanish Offline in the Google Translate app.

Is it Worth Visiting Querétaro?

Absolutely Querétaro is worth visiting! Although it is often overlooked and thought of as a day trip from beautiful San Miguel de Allende, Querétaro is a historic, safe, buzzing little city in its own right.

While the city of Santiago de Querétaro has plenty of offer, the state of Querétaro also features an excellent wine region, some of the country’s most stunning scenery in the Sierra Gorda Bioreserve, and six Pueblos Mágicos to explore.

Summary: Things To Do In Querétaro

Querétaro is safe city and a wonderful place and I can’t wait to visit again soon. There are so many wonderful things to do and see in Querétaro from museums to rooftop bathtubs and beyond.

Although this part of Mexico is still flying under the travel radar, it won’t be long before the masses discover this hidden gem, especially with Querétaro International Airport right on the door step.

So make your way to Querétaro while you can still have to all to yourself.